Balatro Seed:
(Green Deck)

Added by Ezatre

Green Deck
Joker Highlights (endgame Jokers available in this seed)
Midas Mask
Spare Trousers

Seed Description

Version: 1.0.1n-FULL

This is Vampire + Gold Idol Seed. You can get them in first shop Golden Idol will be fisrt card in the shop, and Vampire you can obtain from fisrt Buffon Pack.

You can pure easily Beat the first 300 chips blind with just 1 Discarding (10, 9, 4, 2) and 1 Hand what includes Full House, that give you 368 Chips. *Also You Can play 6 Flushes (1 Spades; 1 Hearts; 2 Trefs; 2 Diamonds). (2) High Streets. (2) Middle Streets.(3) Street Flushes — ( 1. H-Middle-Tref (Q, J, 10, 9, 8) ) ( 2. Middle-Tref ( 7, 6, 5, 4, 3) ) ( 3. H-Middle-Diamonds ( J, 10, 9, 8, 7) ) by Discarding and Playing all your hands up to 1 and remaining.

Second 450 blind strategy matches to Correct Jokers Position (Midas Mask 1 pos. and Vampire 2 pos.) and 3 Discard (5 cards per Discard) to get Full House with (3 K, 2 Q) in it. (540 chips total) and 1.5x Vampire Value. In shop you can buy the Abstract Joker (And Place it first, for best Value) then open the Celestial Pack for Full House lvl.2 (Earth).

In Third, 600 chips Boss Blind you need to use all of your Discards (5 cards per Discard) untill Full House Hand with (3 K, 2 Q) then play it (3.450 chips). In shop we have to Open 8$ Buffon Pack and get 50+ chips enchanted Joker (For 3$ Sell, and Baseball Card for 1.5x mult twice) and for 10$ you have after Buffon Pack, buy the +1 Extra Discard Voucher (Wasteful).

In Ante 2, 900 chips Small blindyou need to use all of your discards untill (2 Q, 3 J) hand. (11.643 chips). In shop just open the Arcana Pack for The Fool (Full House lvl.3 Earth Card)

1.350 Big Blind You can skip with ease in heart, cz shop of this blind contains literally nothing. But we can take buffon pack tag, which contains (Baron for 4$ sell, cz its unusefull with our build) and Pareidolia.

So we on 1.800 chips blind you need to Discard once next cards (1 K, 9, 8, 5, 3) and play ( 3 K, 2 Q) Hand. (18.275 chips). In shop buy 1+ Hand Size Paint Bursh Voucher and Save Money.

In Ante 3, Skip the 2600 Small Blind, (cz shop of this blind is have 0 value) For Uncommon Tag which gives us Spare Trousers Joker (For our Full House Hand, it's Seems Perfect Variant) in next shop.

So in 3.900 blind save your 7's n 1 J, then discard other things, and just 1 disacrd you get (2 J; 3 7's) Full House Hand. And with Pareidolia you get all of your cards to Face Cards (For Gold Mask Value that matches to Vampire Value of X Mult).

To be Continued...